With my body in intense pain from a broken wrist and hip, it would be easy for me to fall into, what I call, the “victim script” of suffering and blaming myself or the world for this traumatic experience.

It is frustrating that something as simple as sitting and standing has to be relearned. When I tried to stand in my own style, my knee was in so much pain that I could barely tolerate it.

As Logosoma Brain Training states: the body follows the story. My brain was telling my body a story of anger, fear, and confusion. A story that would only end up hurting myself even more, but luckily with the aid of the physical therapists I have given my body a new story to follow.

By listening to their guidance, my mind was able to calm my body and follow their instructions on how to sit and stand with a broken hip. And I was able to do it easily with minimal to no pain! Standing and sitting became a smooth and gliding movement rather than my initial rocky and stressful experience.

Throughout this week as I follow this new story, my bones are mending, my immune system is robust, and my attitude is very positive.

Practicing Logosoma Brain Training is a lifelong process and is always helpful.

It also goes to show that you can teach an old dog new tricks!

I look forward to going home next week and continuing to recover my strength, flexibility, mobility, and eventually to getting back to the office.